Sunday, April 12, 2009

TC: In Water World

West by raworth.

Seaford: West
: photo by Tom Raworth, 2009

The sea repeats itself in dreams, a green-grey world of water
Creatures from the great star rebus haunt and run
Leaving the emptiness of the day behind as kelp shrouds
Thoughts, memories, reflections, doubts
Pale blank clouds like woolly fish in mist pink distance floating
Spooky cloud lights, layers of white shadow
The sea repeats itself in dreams from the great star rebus
The beach stretches as far as the headland sand bar
Clean detached waves wash over dry small stones
The water is perfectly still, restructuring everything


Dale said...

Tom, thanks for the Easter poem. The "green-grey world" and the "great star rebus" are calling. I like how you continue to pair these poems with such terrific images, too--those clouds on the horizon of Tom Raworth's photo turn the flat surface of the beach into a momentary doorway between worlds--like stepping through some kind of threshold between the banal and marvelous.

I always like how you make every day things into significant objects--revealing their mystery and intensity. Not that things "do" anything, actually, but you show us how to read through them. Anyway, I'm Easter Bunnied out and not fully "here" enough to say--but the poems are lovely....

TC said...


Yes, Tom's photo (taken Saturday, by the by) opens the wondrously minimal momentary doorway between worlds, or reflective portal, through which posts like this, had they their wits about them, would pass.

Pleasant to have you drop in, the reflective portal can be a chill breezeway o'nights.

Hope the boys left you at least a half-nibbled chocolate bunny ear for breakfast.