for Rosemary
My son looked at the caribou.
The kangaroo leaped on the
fruit tree. I am a white
man and my children
are hungry
The doll is sleeping.
It lay down to creep into
the plate.
It was clean and flying.
Where you...the axes
are. Why is this home so
hard. So much
like the sent over the
courses below the home
having a porch.
Felt it on my gate in the place
where the caribous jumped
over. Where geese sons
and pouches of daughters look at
me and say "I'm hungry
Not alone in the
gastrous desert. We are looking
swimming around. We
want to go in the ocean
along the dunes.
Like little lice in the sand
we look into a fruit expanse.
Oh the sky is so cold.
We run into the water.
Lice in heaven.
Underwater fish
brush by us. Oh leg
not reaching!
The show is stopping
truck. Tell us where to
stop and eat. And
drink which comes to us out
in the sand is
at a star.
My pants are damp.
Is tonight treating us
but not reaching through the window.
Why are your hips
rounded as the sand?
What is jewelry?
Baby sleeps. Sleeping on
The television of all voice is
way far behind.
Do we flow nothing?
Where did you follow that bug
See quick......is flying
Caribou, what have I
heart moves like a little
bug......under my thumb.
Throw me deeply.
I am the floes.
Ho ho ho caribou,
light brown and wetness
caribou. I stink and
I know it.
"Screw you!...you're right."
Everyone has seen us out
with the caribou but
no one has seen us out in
the car. You passed
beyond us.
We saw your knees
but the other night we
couldn't call you.
You were more far than a
widow feeling you.
Nothing has been terrible.
We are the people who have
been running with
More than when we run?
The diner is never gonna come.
The forest things are passing.
I did drink my milk
like a mother of wolves.
Wolves on the desert
of ice cold love, of
fireproof breasts and the breast
I took like snow.
Following me
I love you
and I fall beyond
and I eat you like a
bow and arrow withering in the
No one should be mean.
Making affection and all the green
winters wide awake.
Blubber is desert. Out on
the firm lake, o firm
and aboriginal kiss.
To dance, to hunt, to sing,
no one should be mean.
Not needing these things.
Like a flower, little light, you open
and we make believe
we die. We die all around
you like a snake in a
well and we come up out
of the warm well and
are born again out of dry
mammas, nourishing mammas, always
holding you as I
love you and am
revived inside you, but
die in you and am
never born again in
the same place; never
Ho Ho Ho Caribou: Joseph Ceravolo, from The Paris Review #44, 1968
Strolling reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in the Kebnekaise valley, Lapland, Sweden: photo by Alexandre Buisse, 2007
Waterfall, Norde Isortoq, West Greenland: photo by Rene Moerkhoej, 2007
Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), Asturias, Spain: photo by Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso, 2005
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): photo by Ken Hammond/USDA (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)
Herd of caribou (Rangifer tarandus), Arctic national Wildlife Refuge: photo by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 2008
Lemming (Lemmus lemmus), Norway: photo by Frode Inge Helland, 1987
Caribou (Rangifer tarandus), Suomi, near Ihari, Finland: photo by Lukas Riebling, 2005
Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus): photo by Marcel Burkhard, 2005
Cowberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea): photo by Jonas Bergsten, 2006
Albino caribou (Rangifer tarandus) leading a train, Jämtland, Sweden: photo by oskarlin, 2005
Common cottongrass (Eriophorum scheuchzeri): photo by Franz Xaver, 1991