Friday, May 13, 2011

TC: Old Mine Road (Caribou)


Bear Lake (Colorado): photo by Trojan, 2004

Just below timberline

life bursts in

where water was
it's mostly mossy

with willows
and dark spaces

and wild daisies
and mazes of glades

and pools

Lilly Lake (Colorado): photo by Trojan, 2004

Monday, May 9, 2011

TC: "the bits break loose..."


Two dandelion seeds (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia): photo by Joergmoritz, 30 May 2006

the bits break loose
to scatter in the wind

of what once was
rising falling drifting

moments in the sun
disappearing into thin air

one by one

and it's never done

but it radiates around
and it radiates around

File:Kobe Maiko Park09n3200.jpg

Pinus thunbergii: photo by Joergmoritz, 30 May 2006